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Maths at Marden Bridge Middle School


What are SATs?

SATs are standardised assessment tests administered in England to children in Year 2 and Year 6 to check their educational progress. The setting and marking of SATs are carried out by the Standards and Testing Agency. In Year 6 SATs children will be tested in English Reading, English Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Mathematics. Schools will receive the provisional results for both the school's performance and pupils' individual performance by the end of July. 


In 2016, the National Curriculum levels were replaced by scaled scores. In KS2 80 is the lowest and 120 is the highest score that can be achieved. Scaled scores for KS2 SATS:

120 -  The highest score a child can achieve.

101 - 119  Any score above this means they have exceeded the expected standard.

100 - This is the expected standard. They have achieved the expected standard in their KS2 SAT test.

80 - 99 Any score below 99 means they have not met the expected standard. in their KS2 SAT test.

When are SATs?

Monday 12th May: English SPAG and Spelling 

Tuesday 13th May: English Reading

Wednesday 14th May: Mathematics Arithmetic and Reasoning

Thursday 15th May: Mathematics Reasoning

SATs PowerPoint.png

How can I support my child?

There are a variety of resources you can use to support your child ahead of their maths SAT. Below is a range of useful websites and resources to help with explaining mathematical concepts and practise assessments.

Times Tables

Times tables are a fundamental building block of mathematics and a key foundation of many mathematics topic areas, whether it be multiplication and division, fractions, percentages, area, or ratios. Without having a fluent recall of times tables new areas of mathematics can become more challenging. To support the learning of times tables see our section on Number Day. To support with practising speed and fluency you may also wish to use the links below. 

Top Marks


Here are some useful websites to support your child in getting ready for the SATS tests and revise key skills.

My maths
BBC Bitesize
Oak Academy
SATs Revision Booklet
Knowledge Organiser

Question practise

Third Space
Ten for Ten
Fluent in Five

Video Support

Genius SATs KS2 Maths
2017 Crib Sheet
SATs in Minutes Paper 2 2016
SATs in Minutes Paper 3 2016
SATs in Minutes Paper 2 2017
SATs in Minutes Paper 3 2017



"In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it."

Georg Cantor

German mathematician

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Lovaine Avenue
Whitley Bay
Tyne & Wear
NE25 8RW

0191 349 9538

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